Principal's Welcome
Welcome to St. Patrick Cathedral School!
Whether you are perusing our website as a prospective family, an engaged alumni, or even as one of our current community members, welcome! I am honored and thrilled to share with you a brief window into what makes St. Patrick Cathedral School such a special place. Founded in 1923, for 100 years we have continued our mission of Catholic education and formation in the mind, heart, and spirit! At St. Patrick’s we strive to prepare students for an adult life of commitment and service, and doing so we have created what we believe is the school our children deserve. A school that consistently prepares our students to continue their education at the top Catholic School in El Paso, while remaining grounded in their faith and their service to others.
As you explore our website notice the hallmarks of what makes St. Patrick’s the school your children deserve. Notice our Mission, Vision and Philosophy. We are a community of learners here that continually seek opportunities to learn, to discover, and to bring about positive change in the world. Notice our Catholic Identity- frequently identified by our current parents, guardians and grandparents as a strength of our school, students practice their faith while deepening their relationship with God and their service to others. Notice the strong community that has served as the backbone for St. Patrick Cathedral and School for the last 100 years. With vibrant and engaged parents and guardians, our community (many of whom attended St. Patrick’s themselves), is as much about a sense of belonging and acceptance as it is about reading, writing, and arithmetic.
While I hope our website gives you a strong sense of who we are, and who our students are, here at St. Patrick’s, nothing is better than the real thing. So please stop by! Our admissions team would be happy to schedule and tour and I would be delighted to meet with you and your family. I look forward to seeing you soon.
You may also take a look at the School Newsbrief for a Principal's Message on a weekly basis regarding the upcoming Sunday readings.
In the Spirit of our Patron Saint Patrick,
John Rieschick, M.Ed., M.S., M.A.