Our Catholic Faith and Formation
The complexities of modern society challenge us to find reason amidst uncertainty, and intensify our desire to seek truths about our existence. However, it is in Catholic faith teachings that we find hope and profound insight into our biggest questions and doubts about the state of the world. Faith calls us to humble ourselves and place our trust in God; for it is He who knows all, sees all, and loves us all beyond measure.
The mission of St. Patrick Cathedral School is to cultivate thoughtful and compassionate scholars who enter society with a strong sense of discipleship guided by love, faith and service. Our devoted teachers and staff members provide individual care and support to each student throughout the learning process, recognizing that no two journeys are alike. As children come into their own, they search for deeper meaning in their lives. We are a faith-based community where young learners can explore questions about identity and purpose while strengthening their relationships with Jesus Christ. The true value of a Catholic education lies in its emphasis on educating the “whole child” - mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Students receive a holistic education through religious formation, character development and civic engagement.
All domains of child development are rooted in faith formation. This process begins early in a child’s life with parents. As primary educators of their children, they are responsible for establishing moral foundations guided by Catholic traditions. We, as formal educators, partner with parents, guardians and grandparent's to nurture spiritual growth by shepherding children in the exploration and discovery of God’s divine plan.
Our Catholic faith and values are reflected in every aspect of school culture. Students participate in the Sacraments, worship together during regularly scheduled Masses, learn about Catholic traditions, and begin each morning in with prayer. We honor liturgical and paraliturgical celebrations where children are encouraged to experience the presence of Christ and to relate the teachings of the Gospel to their daily lives.
All middle school students are expected to contribute their time and talents to the disadvantaged in off-campus areas throughout their local communities. By performing God’s corporal works of mercy, students gain awareness of real world issues and learn to recognize the dignity of all people in God’s kingdom. Visible throughout campus, religious symbols remind us to turn our hearts toward God so that His will may be done through us.
A Catholic education is an extraordinary opportunity for children to develop within a safe and nurturing environment that not only challenges them academically, but also enriches them spiritually. When graduates pass through our doors, they emerge with a solid educational foundation, and a deeper commitment to faith, family and community. St. Patrick Cathedral School produce grateful servants who strive to reflect Gospel values in their words, thoughts and deeds. Above all, we aspire to develop judicious leaders who, in giving the best of themselves to serve their families and their communities, understand that every action they commit is for the greater glory of God.
Attending Mass
St. Patrick Cathedral School gathers weekly on Thursday morning at 8:30 am to worship as a faith community. Students, Faculty and Staff work together to plan liturgies and prayer services in which the entire student body attends. Parents, Guardians and family members are welcomed and encouraged to attend. As part of the liturgy preparation, the students participate in the readings, prepare the Prayers of the Faithful, assist the priest as altar servers, and participate in our wonderful school choir!
Liturgy of the Word
The first Thursday of the month we also participate in the Liturgy of the Word with the Cathedral Parish Deacon or the Director of Religious Education.
Prayer at St. Patrick Cathedral School is part of every school day, beginning with a communal Morning Assembly Prayer Service led by Student Council officers, weekly Masses and meditating on the mysteries of the rosary with recitation of one decade of the rosary during the Advent and Lent seasons. Opportunities for prayer are also offered throughout the day in the classroom and each day ends in prayer.
Seasonal Celebrations
The school calendar incorporates the Liturgical Calendar of the Church, observing Feast Days, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary time.
Students celebrate the miracle of Christmas through a reenactment of the Nativity along with the Posada.
At the Triduum we celebrate Passover with the Passion of Christ with a presentation of the Living Stations of the Cross.
In the month of May we honor our Blessed Mother with a May Crowning Ceremony.
We also acknowledge major feast days such as The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Archangels, St. Francis of Assisi (Blessing of the Animals), The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, San Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and St. Patrick.
Preparing for the Sacraments are significant spiritual milestones that students experience alongside their classmates. Parents and Guardians are included in preparing their children for reception of the Sacraments through adult education evenings and retreats.
St. Patrick Cathedral School students in 1st grade begin preparing for, and in the 2nd grade receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist during the school year.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated while the students are in high school in the Diocese of El Paso.
Practicing Catholic students who have received their First Communion may receive Eucharist during school Masses. Catholics and non-Catholics who are not prepared to receive communion are encouraged to come forward for a blessing.
All students who receive the Sacraments must be baptized Catholic.
Altar Servers
St. Patrick Cathedral School enjoys a strong connection with the Cathedral. Many students choose to serve the parish in the Altar Server Ministry. Beginning in the third grade, all children are invited to train as an altar server. The training is conducted under the supervision of our parish Deacon. Students are then encouraged to serve at both school and parish Masses. The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during the Mass.
Want to warm your heart? Come watch how well our older students support and join in learning and social activities with our young students. Grade 8 students buddy with Pre-School. Students read to each other, attend Mass together, and join together for any number of activities and learning experiences. The best though, is when buddies of any grade...see each other as they pass on campus; they extend a smile, high-five, a hug, or point that finger and say, “I know you!!!” Our Buddy experiences provide that very necessary sense of belonging for each person in St. Patrick Cathedral School.
St. Patrick Cathedral School students are encouraged to share their gifts and talents in order to enrich the greater community by doing direct and indirect service year-round.
Families (Parents, Guardians and Grandparent's)
"Parents and guardians have the first responsibility for the education of their children. They bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and service are the rule."
-- Catechism of the Catholic Church
Parents. guardians and grandparent's play an essential role in the success of St. Patrick Cathedral School. They contribute time, talent and treasure all for the betterment of their children and all the students of the school. We could not succeed without their contributions and are forever grateful for all they do.
St. Patrick Cathedral School Parents, Guardians and Grandparent's work to...
- Be role models for generosity, service, spirituality and other positive values.
- Give our children the most complete school experience possible.
- Ensure opportunities for our children to grow.
- Facilitate enriching experiences for children and families.
- Develop positive relationships within the community.
- Generate school spirit and respect.
Our parents, guardians and grandparent's generously contribute their time, talent and treasure to help make St. Patrick Cathedral School the wonderful place we know it to be. All families make a commitment to volunteer at least twenty (20) hours a year of their time to the school.